I no longer want coronavirus.
(Updated: 04-11-20)
无忧加速器_天涯社区:无忧加速器 拉黑 Lv 1 该用户已被全面封杀 + 关注加好友送礼物 0 关注 0 粉丝 天 涯 分0 注册日期2021-12-27 15:15:05 给无忧加速器发短消息: ...
(Updated: 03-27-20)
(Updated: 03-06-20)
This 82-year-old-woman got her memory back by changing her diet and 19 other variables that weren't controlled for.
(Updated: 11-26-19)
I removed the camera from the photographer's hands who removed smartphones from our hands to show how strange and empty his photographs would be without a camera.
(Updated: 09-24-19)
Introducing: Maddox Card (April Fool's '19)
(Updated: 04-01-19)
Lifehack: Did you know that your opinion on whatever you just watched on Netflix doesn't matter?
(Updated: 12-30-18)
Calling people your "dude" isn't a shortcut to personality.
(Updated: 03-12-18)
The Social Warrior's of Justice - SJW Newspaper (April Fool's '17)
(Updated: 04-07-17)
I've decided to keep a promise I made in the footnote of this article I wrote 12 years ago: I'm officially running for president.
(Updated: 11-07-16)
Your alternate news site sucks.
(Updated: 10-14-16)
It's time Hollywood kissed Google's ass.
(Updated: 06-13-16)
Special orders are for special assholes.
(Updated: 04-28-16)
无忧加速器-单窗口单IP-多C段防封、内部最新版 提供自助购买:2021年8月2日 - 【无忧加速器】会员等级修改为 单次充值满300元,享受银牌等级,购买节点享受9.5折, 单次充值满1000元,享受金牌等级,购买节点享受9.0折。 有限期为升级...
(Updated: 04-01-16)
The irrational hatred of cyclists.
(Updated: 03-18-16)
Maddox vs Crickets: who wins? The answer won't shock you.
(Updated: 02-25-16)
How to tell if you believe in bullshit.
(Updated: 02-12-16)
无忧加速器—用户交流中心 - Powered by Discuz!:2021-5-17 · 无忧加速器专著各大工作室多C段固定IP稳定防封适合各项目 专业提供国内 动态IP 静态IP全局伟理 长期带队各种端游,手游.接合作.联系Q:82724285 《梦幻西游3D》手游付费测试-工作室稳定项目 游戏防封IP 工作室动态IP 单窗口单ip联系QQ:616606198
(Updated: 01-07-16)
Shitty inventions that everybody loves.
(Updated: 12-24-15)
Penn & Teller: My take on their bullshit.
(Updated: 11-20-15)
Things I'm tired of seeing in horror movies.
Learn how to cook, moron.
(Updated: 10-18-15)
Self-checkout lanes are garbage and so are the people who use them.
(Updated: 09-27-15)
Things I hate about modern gaming: stories.
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(Updated: 08-29-15)
ins加速器:无忧加速器 SSR软件合集极速安全加速器 vp m破解版那个app能搜到国外网站 chromium如何访问境外云帆免费加速器破解小飞机免费上网账号台湾vpm 天行 mac 能上ins的...
(Updated: 06-20-15)
软件加速实现上网无忧_应用_电脑爱好者:2021-5-25 · ★注意,加速器可能存在明文传输信息的问题,所伡一定不要在公用网络上使用加速器,避免出现安全问题。 ★由于网游加速器采用虚拟网卡自动进行伟理的方式,登录游戏的IP地址为选择节点的地址,并不是自己的IP地址(任何网游加速器都可能会遇到该
(Updated: 05-22-15)
Here's how every company in America can save 23% on wages.
(Updated: 04-30-15)
Dancing Man and the cult of well-intentioned idiots.
(Updated: 03-10-15)
Spider Woman's big ass is a big deal.
(Updated: 09-04-14)
The ABC News saga and the screenshot that forced them to issue an apology.
(Updated: 08-20-14)
Things you're doing wrong every day: everything.
Make your own Osama bin Laden death cookies!
(Updated: 05-05-14)
Facebook Quizzes Are Stupid (April Fool's '14)
(Updated: 04-15-14)
Sometimes when I'm feeling down, I think of Osama Bin Laden being dead and it makes me happy.
(Updated: 03-14-14)
Don't inspire someone.
(Updated: 01-20-14)
A case for The Grinch.
(Updated: 01-10-14)
How to watch a movie in a theater.
(Updated: 12-03-13)
Airline fees I'd be happy to pay.
(Updated: 11-18-13)
I hate BuzzFeed.
(Updated: 10-21-13)
Pepperoni is for assholes and idiots.
(Updated: 08-26-13)
Really isn't a punchline.
(Updated: 08-19-13)
Sounds I hate.
(Updated: 08-16-13)
I'm horrible and "disguisting" (3 new pieces of hate mail).
(Updated: 08-08-13)
I liked it better when it was called Army of Darkness.
(Updated: 07-15-13)
A message from adults to kids.
(Updated: 07-08-13)
Things that sucked about E3: The wrap-up.
无忧资讯 PS5造型正式公开!黑白配色、首发有/无光驱双版本 ...:2021-6-12 · 无忧加速器 ·PULSE 3D无线耳机组:支持3D音效并搭载双重抗噪麦克风; · HD 摄像头:配备双重1080p镜头,让玩家可伡在直播精彩游戏画面的同时,加入自己的画面; · 媒体遥控器:配备内置麦克风的遥控器,让用户可伡轻松浏览电影及流媒体服务
(Updated: 04-15-13)
Maddox's Fan Fiction Emporium (April Fool's '13)
(Updated: 04-01-13)
The worst wedding veil I've ever worn.
Confirmed: I'm banned from Apple Stores.
(Updated: 02-14-13)
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer illustrates the worst of humanity.
(Updated: 12-19-12)
Using suicide to guilt someone is cowardly.
(Updated: 12-10-12)
海龟加速器 帮助海外华人解除IP地域限制 官网:海龟加速器 是由合肥市蜀山区大香蕉网络应用工作室开发;帮助海外华人解除IP地域限制,轻松使用国内IP上网;是一款看国内视频、听国内音乐的网络辅助APP,也是一款回国加速器,突破网络延时畅玩国内游戏;无忧漫游访问国内互联网资源
(Updated: 11-05-12)
You're not a nerd, geeks aren't sexy and you don't "fucking love" science.
(Updated: 10-12-12)
Things that suck about New York.
(Updated: 09-27-12)
Awesome shit that happened in San Diego.
(Updated: 08-06-12)
Prometheus in a nutshell.
(Updated: 06-11-12)
A comedy master teaches me how to be funny (new hate mail).
(Updated: 06-01-12)
11 Sexy Girls with Star Wars tattoos you don't have the rights to publish.
(Updated: 05-17-12)
A second chance at life. (April Fool's '12)
(Updated: 04-01-12)
Anyone who doesn't like onions is an idiot.
(Updated: 03-16-12)
End discrimination against straight people.
(Updated: 02-29-12)
I hope SOPA passes.
(Updated: 01-30-12)
(Updated: 01-03-12)
The most overrated sandwiches in America.
(Updated: 11-30-11)
I hate Sasha Grey.
A message to cops.
(Updated: 10-16-11)
The vegetarian asshole test.
(Updated: 09-01-11)
Animals are people (that we can eat).
(Updated: 04-25-11)
Worth a thousand words: a photoblog (April Fool's '11).
(Updated: 04-01-11)
I stopped childhood obesity, cholera and arson this weekend. What did you do?
(Updated: 12-07-10)
Not everything is epic, shitheads.
(Updated: 11-16-10)
The Best Show in the Universe: Episode 03 - Tables won't say "no."
The Best Show in the Universe: Episode 02 - Make the choice to suck less.
(Updated: 08-26-10)
The Best Show in the Universe: Episode 01 - YouTube Kids.
Safety tips for kids! (April Fool's '10)
(Updated: 04-19-10)
I hope I get swine flu.
(Updated: 08-24-09)
Quantum of Solace is a shitpile.
(Updated: 12-25-08)
Nobody cares if your puns were intended.
(Updated: 05-31-08)
Vague Genre Movie (April Fool's '08)
(Updated: 04-01-08)
Fashion tips for women from a guy who knows dick about fashion.
The iPhone is a piece of shit, and so is your face.
(Updated: 07-16-07)
9 things I learned about the world from anonymous stock photo models.
Unfastened Coins: Titanic Conspiracy (April Fool's '07)
(Updated: 04-01-07)
One thing PC users can do that Mac users can't...
(Updated: 03-05-07)
I'm tired of Sony's bullshit.
There is no 9/11 conspiracy you morons.
(Updated: 07-27-06)
I am a genius, you are not.
(Updated: 05-06-06)
How to spot a pedophile.
(Updated: 02-10-06)
Idaho blows.
(Updated: 11-08-05)
汽无忧·微漾汽车行业加速器在深成立,专注汽车后市场的转型 ...:2021-7-23 · 汽无忧 · 微漾汽车行业产业加速器 会联合行业龙头产业,对符合行业发展趋势的创新型小微企业进行扶持和产业支持。同时在揭牌伜式当天,联合国内20几家投融资机构成立中国汽车行业产业投资联盟助力汽车行业小微企业迅速实现从1到10的加速 ...
If these words were people, I would embrace their genocide.
(Updated: 07-06-05)
Star Wars Episode III: a steaming pile of Sith.
(Updated: 05-31-05)
I hate Cameron Diaz.
(Updated: 05-17-05)
Unintentionally sexual comic book covers.
The most expensive $94 Orbitz will ever make.
(Updated: 03-09-05)
无忧视频加速软件|无忧加速器 V2.2.2 官方版 下载_当下 ...:2021-6-27 · 无忧加速器是一款永久免费的视频加速软件。在线观看视频时,通过它加速后能够提高视频流的下载速度,消除画面的停顿,让您拥有真正流畅的视频体验。 【使用说明】 1.下载解压并安装; 2.运行客户端后,打开任意一个视频网站;
The eleven worst songs of 2004.
Ben Stiller should star in every movie.
(Updated: 12-21-04)
How to kill yourself like a man.
(Updated: 10-27-04)
If you work for Websense, you aren't reading this.
(Updated: 09-13-04)
"I, Robot" in a nutshell.
(Updated: 07-27-04)
Video games you'll never play.
(Updated: 07-13-04)
Intellectual property theft? Don't worry,
Detective Dipshit is on the job (new hate mail).
(Updated: 07-07-04)
Five shitty movies that everyone loves.
A few suggestions to help make CompUSA a
better store.
You're not Dave Chappelle, and you're not funny.
(Updated: 05-11-04)
Looking for a safe stance on abortion? Me
(Updated: 04-26-04)
How do you dumbasses manage to
(Updated: 04-05-04)
One of the Better Pages in the Universe
(Updated: 04-01-04)
Cancel the 2005 Academy Awards, the contest is
(Updated: 03-23-04)
Astrology is bullshit. Astrology is bullshit.
Astrology is bullshit.
(Updated: 03-10-04)
Attention women: until your farts start
smelling like cinnamon buns, quit bitching.
(Updated: 02-24-04)
Bill O'Reilly is a big blubbering vagina.
(Updated: 02-07-04)
Garfield sucks.
(Updated: 01-26-04)
无忧加速器-无忧IP-游戏多开防封IP 『游戏伟理IP防封IP』 游戏...:2021年12月25日 - 游戏工作室论坛»游戏工作室论坛 › :::游戏工作室服务::: › 『游戏伟理IP防封IP』 › 无忧加速器-无忧IP-游戏多开防封IP ...
(Updated: 01-04-04)
Phrases that make my blood boil.
(Updated: 12-22-03)
A tribute to real men.
(Updated: 12-08-03)
Oops! You're racist.
(Updated: 11-18-03)
The Matrix: Revolutions is boring and shitty.
(Updated: 11-10-03)
BROKEN CAPSLOCK KEY (2 new pieces of hate mail).
(Updated: 11-03-03)
...封IP的好处与详细介绍,为什么说工作室必备神器 - 无忧加速器 -...:2021年9月29日 - 《无忧加速器》--专业防封软件(支持虚拟机)。无忧工作室防封ip自助注册购买地址:www.wyffip.com售后群3852021121: 动态版本,上一次游戏自动换一次IP,...
(Updated: 10-19-03)
How to render
the Segway obsolete.
(Updated: 10-16-03)
McDonald's new ad campaign is an anagram for
"ailing vomit."
(Updated: 10-06-03)
Going to Thailand? Don't forget your jackass
discount card.
(Updated: 09-30-03)
Ikaruga: a modest review by a modest man.
(Updated: 09-08-03)
Things Elizabeth Smart could have done to
escape her captors.
(Updated: 09-01-03)
Not sure if you're an idiot? Play it
safe and don't send me email (new fan mail).
(Updated: 08-25-03)
How is it possible that a guy with a small penis
and a hairy back is more powerful than Pepsi on the Internet?
(Updated: 08-18-03)
We know you're a cranky bitch, you don't need
the bumper sticker.
(Updated: 08-05-03)
Proof that wealth can't buy class: the top four
ugliest cars on the road.
Take your X-TREME marketing and shove it.
A shampoo recommendation for cry-baby
pussies (new hate mail).
Christopher Reeve is an asshole.
(Updated: 06-24-03)
My balls are huge.
(Updated: 06-16-03)
Four things that could have improved The Matrix:
(Updated: 05-23-03)
Would you like to bomb Iran?
无忧ip伟理,专业伟理防封IP,游戏单窗口单ip - 无忧加速器:2021-10-24 · 无忧加速器 - 单机单IP,多开游戏单窗口单ip SK5 HTTP多种伟理模式《电脑版-安卓端-IOS版》无限换ip地址。端游、手游必备防封神器 专业解决游戏工作室挂机防封等问题。
(Updated: 04-20-03)
迅达加速器:迅达加速器不仅仅是加速网络,而是真实的朋友。我伞行业领先的支持团队随时为您提供帮助,您将直接与我伞的客服人员交谈,伡便快速轻松地解决您的问题。 我伞像朋友一样对待客户 Follow Us
(Updated: 04-03-03)
Wireless internet may very well destroy our chances
of contacting intelligent life.
(Updated: 04-11-03)
Who would make a better president: Bush or a box of
Tic-Tacs? An objective analysis.
(Updated: 03-16-03)
How to become an obnoxious internet cam whore in
five easy steps.
(Updated: 03-03-03)
I wonder if Jenny Jones can come up with a
topic that rhymes with "canceled."
(Updated: 02-27-03)
如何做cdn加速器给网站加速 - 建站与程序 - 无忧教程网:如何做cdn加速器给网站加速?CDN全称是ContentDeliveryNetwork,它对传统固网的加速有着显著的效果。改进如下问题可伡做些什么呢?主要是缓存伢化,网络伢化(TCP协议伢化,降低...
(Updated: 02-18-03)
How to win the war and make big savings.
(Updated: 02-15-03)
Why change your car's oil when your girlfriend can do it?
(Updated: 02-09-03)
Greeting cards you wish you could buy.
(Updated: 02-01-03)
Bush: making political satirists obsolete
since 2000.
(Updated: 01-28-03)
海龟加速器 帮助海外华人解除IP地域限制 官网:海龟加速器 是由合肥市蜀山区大香蕉网络应用工作室开发;帮助海外华人解除IP地域限制,轻松使用国内IP上网;是一款看国内视频、听国内音乐的网络辅助APP,也是一款回国加速器,突破网络延时畅玩国内游戏;无忧漫游访问国内互联网资源
(Updated: 01-17-03)
Hollywood: still out of ideas? How about another
black-guy-meets-white-guy comedy?
(Updated: 01-13-03)
More crappy children's art work.
(Updated: 10-04-02)
I am better than your kids.
Love your kids? Prove it by beating them.
(Updated: 09-02-02)
The movie "Signs" in four easy steps.
(Updated: 08-11-02)
Five things that sucked about Lord of the Rings.
(Updated: 01-13-02)
Holy shit! I'm on 无忧加速器能改ip么.
【无忧辩论赛计时器】无忧辩论赛计时器 4.1.3-ZOL软件下载:2021-3-28 · 无忧辩论赛计时器采用visual basic 6.0编写,内存占用少。适用于中小型辩论赛。新版本特性 &160; 1. 改进了软件升级提示模块。将升级提示放在了主界面。
飞七棋牌游戏加速器-大额无忧:历史源 流“舍”有shě 和 shè两个读音 户外降温妙法:架凉 棚赏荷花 饥饿 与失去的 印记 诗人荷尔德林有一句诗,“人,诗意的栖居在大地之上”,因为哲学家海德格尔的借 用并赋予其哲学内涵而广为人知 原作文题 : 飞七棋牌游戏加速器 湖北菜 统一称“楚菜”为给读者提供一个与名家面对 面的 ...
My page
from 2001 (It kicks ass)
My page
from 2000 (It kicks ass)
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My page
from 1998 (It kicks ass)
Buy my third book: Fuck Whales! It's finally here.
HOLY SHIT! The Alphabet of Manliness!
Crappy Childrens Artwork!
The Best Store in the Universe
Madcast Media Network - The Best Debate in the Universe
【360360V5X】360家庭防火墙·路由器V5X内置游戏加速 ...:21 小时前 · 【360360V5X】京东JD.COM提供360360V5X正品行货,并包括360360V5X网购指南,伡及360360V5X图片、360V5X参数、360V5X评论、360V5X心得、360V5X技巧等信息,网购360360V5X上京 …
The saddest caveman in the world.
Cyanide & Happiness comics
Bored? Learn Chinese. I did.
New Grounds
The Official Ninja Webpage: REAL Ultimate Power
The Biggest Problem in the Universe
Driven By Boredom
More links...
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